Eric Kripke

Eric Kripke : "When we started casting, we had archetypes in mind, which were Han Solo and Luke Skywalker. We were really looking for Sam to be empathetic, kind, and likeable, and really the audience surrogate. The person who the audience would most see themselves as and really carry the story through their eyes. And that required a really unique likeability. For Dean, we were looking for Han Solo. We were looking for devil-may-care, charismatic, a little rough around the edges, a little edgy, says things that are not always the kindest thing, as long as they're funny. And that was really what we started out with."

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Icecream & Strippers after this Sound good Dean ! Promo S902 " Devil May Care"

In the latest promo from CW
After all the full on actions and dramas from the premier episode
Now it's time to face the consequences
" WE GOT WORK TO DO " The last words and it was the first words Sam said when he decided to join Dean to fight the Evils world.
I'm sure they'll be a very rough ride in this journey. Kevin in other hand , he's an accidental hero and not really born to do this. he just want things to get back to where it was. And he knows now he wont gonna see in anytime soon. Plus have the worse enemy come to visit & stay in the same place gotta be awkward MAD !
I cant wait to see how it'll play out And also more old friends and not so friends will pop back !! GOTTA BE A BUSY YEAR !! INDEED 

Source CW
I know It's getting closer to the day we all are waiting for !!
Let's the CRAZY begins
Below are some pictures still from the 2nd ep which directed by our awesome & fav directer Guy Bee This ep sure will pack with action dramas and cool scenes :)
It doesn't matter how many times i do this It always give me excitement Likes the girl got new shoes !!! LOL
OMG Only us to know how it feels to see this pic again The Boys are smokin' HOT ! 

Pay back time ?? 

Cuties Sam 

Credit Photos: Liane Hentscher/The CW

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